Ebola Virus Outbreak 2014: Ebola Patient in Dallas May Have Exposed 100 to Virus

The Liberian patient who brought Ebola to Texas is in serious condition, according to CNN. Authorities have been questioning those who were in contact with Thomas Eric Duncan before he fell ill. Those possibly exposed are reported to number aorund 100, but NDTV reported that the actual number of people Duncan had direct contact with is anywhere from 12 to 18, including Duncan's girlfriend and some of her family members who have been quarantined after being in the apartment where Duncan stayed.

NDTV reported that Liberia plans to prosecute Duncan for lying on his health questionnaire prior to his flight to the U.S. Duncan allegedly answered "no" to questions regarding his contact with those infected with the Ebola virus. Some of Duncan's neighbors in Liberia have reported that Duncan helped a sick pregnant friend seek medical attention.

So far, no one that Duncan had contact with is showing any symptoms, but NDTV reported that the pregnant women that Duncan helped has died as well as others who helped her.

The director of the CDC's Center for Global Health Dr. Tom Kenyon was reported as saying since Duncan had no symptoms on the plane, there is no risk to his fellow passengers. Still, anyone who has symptoms of the illness are urged to seek medical care.

Ebola, Thomas Eric Duncan
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