40 Percent Canadians Work Out to Deal with Stress

Researchers at the McMaster University found that just 40 percent people in Canada work out in order to deal with stress.

The study observations were made after analysing data of around 40,000 Canadians from Statistics Canada's Canadian Community Health Survey. All the participants were aged 15 and above.

Researchers noted that exercise ranked eighth in stress coping strategies list of 13. This shows that people were more likely to deal with stress by problem-solving; looking on the bright side, trying to relax, talking to others, blaming oneself, ignoring stress or praying rather than being active.

"We know stress levels are high among Canadians, and that exercise is effective at managing stress and improving health and well-being, so the fact exercise is number eight and that less than half of the population use it is worrisome," said principal investigator John Cairney, a professor of family medicine and psychiatry and behavioural neurosciences at McMaster's Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine.

The findings revealed that younger, single, more educated and active adults as well as women worked out more to cope with stress. Also those who were physically active were more likely to endorse other positive coping strategies and less likely to use alcohol or drugs.

Cairney explained that encouraging exercise might possibly help reduce overall stress levels and improve general health and well-being.

"Exercise as a coping strategy for stress can be a 'win-win' situation because there are both mental and physical health benefits."

The study was published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

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