Ebola Outbreak 2014: Virus-Killing Robot Used In U.S. Hospitals

A germ-killing robot was created by a Texas inventor that could be a weapon to fight Ebola.

Dr. Mark Stibich, who invented the Xenex robot (also known as "Little Moe"), tells CBS Local these robots can clear an entire hospital room of germs in five minutes. He adds the robot can kill Ebola on any surface in two minutes.

Little Moe uses xenon, a non-toxic gas, to create ultraviolet rays that are powerful enough to destroy the virus, reports Daily Mail.

The robot is being used at the Dallas hospital where the first man who was diagnosed with Ebola in America is being treated, as well as about 250 other hospitals in the country, CBS Local reports.

Little Moe potentially can help stop the spread of the Ebola virus, since it is spread by bodily fluids. If the robot can rid a room of the deadly virus in minutes, perhaps it will curb the amount of people who can contract the virus.

Ebola is actually easier for the robot to kill than other diseases, reports Daily Mail, because Ebola doesn't have the ability to mutate and become immune to disinfection like other viruses.

Robot, Ebola, Ebola virus, Ebola Outbreak, Texas