Majority Of Republicans View Their Own House Speaker Unfavorably, New Gallup Poll Shows

House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) seem to not only be losing the popularity vote among Americans, but even from their own political party voters, according to a new Gallup poll released Monday.

While 28 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of Boehner, a high number of 50 percent view him unfavorably.

Surprisingly, even a majority of Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of the Ohio Republican. Forty percent of Republicans have an unfavorable view of the speaker, up 11 points from earlier this year and just 6 points lower than his favorability rating of 46 among Republicans, according to Breitbart.

In contrast, "Reid's net favorability rating is down 10 points since April, with 45 percent of Americans having an unfavorable opinion of the Senate Democratic leader, compared with 21 percent who have a favorable opinion. Reid's favorability and net favorability marks are at their lowest level since he took over as majority leader in 2007," Politico reported.

"While the GOP will almost certainly retain control of and gain seats in the House, Boehner has often struggled to unite the establishment and conservative wings of his party."

In the last 14 years, Republicans have become more inclined towards conservative stances, with Gallup stating that "troubles within the GOP this year could stem from the mounting criticism he has faced from conservatives" over "his support for pursuing comprehensive immigration reform," which House Republicans have failed to embrace.

In addition, Boehner's compromise on President Obama's amnesty legislation, deemed the most important issue among Republicans, might have further pushed his high unfavorable rating.

Boehner, who was granted his speakership after the Tea Party fueled Republicans to historic gains in the 2010 midterm elections, was unsuccessfully attempted to be ousted by a group of conservative after the 2012 elections. In this November's midterms, some team party members are again planning to vote Boehner out, a recent report suggested.

The survey was conducted Sept. 25-30, among 1,252 adults on landlines and cellphones. The margin for error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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