U.S. Is Heading Towards A Second Civil War Due To Obama's Presidency, Author Of New 'Prophetic' Book Claims

The battle lines have been drawn between those who treasure the nation's founding principles vs. those who undermine such principles in the name of change. For talk radio host Michael Savage, the differences portray an alarming race towards a second Civil War, Washington Times reported.

"I fear the worst. Right now Americans are angrier and more divided than I've seen them since the 1960s. What fires this rage is that we've become a post-Constitutional society," Savage says in his new book "Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth," published on Tuesday.

For a majority of Americans, President Obama became the key to unite a nation divided over political ideology and race after he announced during the 2004 Democratic National Convention that the United States was "not a liberal America and a conservative America" and "not a black America and white America," WND reported.

Instead of uniting the country, Obama's presidency has only seemed to exacerbate the divisions, with Savage's new book accusing the president of intentionally causing the divide among Americans.

While the notion may seem ridiculous and far-fetched, "recent events, including the flood of Central American illegal aliens and the entry of the Ebola virus to the U.S., have made 'Stop the Coming Civil War,' Savage's 30th book, seem prophetic," according to WND.

So much so that the author's publisher told him that "everything you said was going to happen or would happen is happening this minute."

"Why have so many of our top military commanders been summarily pushed aside, after years of brave service? How is President Obama's irresponsible foreign policy not just weakening us in Russia, China, and the Middle East, but actually endangering our security at home as well?" he asks. "What does it mean for our freedom and our way of life that negligent immigration law enforcement allows illegal aliens to cross the southern border into our country with little fear of penalty?"

In the book, the author of six New York Times bestsellers asks Americans to confront what he calls "the leftist administration's successful and devious attempts to divide our country."

"As I see it, the forces of the left are attempting nothing less than a socialist takeover of the world economy and global politics," he writes in the book, published by Center Street Books.

"Obama's been engaged in a civil war from the day he seized the presidency," Savage told WND in an exclusive interview. "He said he's going to transform America. What was that? What was that declaration? It's a declaration of war against the country's traditional values and freedoms."

"It was clear what he was going to do, but everyone was dancing around the golden calf," he said.

"Right now the prognosis is not good. We have an incompetent zealot taking the nation down the road of weakness and centralized governmental control of every aspect of our daily lives," Savage declares. "Just as individuals snap when the pressure becomes too great, so, too, does a nation."

In addition, Savage also blamed Obama's open-borders policy for the recent outbreak of Ebola in the U.S., WND reported.

The "worst part of the story" is that if Obama is allowed to continue, "this country doesn't survive," he said in the exclusive interview.

"It's not just a joke," he told WND. "We're at the end of the road here. I don't want to live in a Venezuela under a dictatorship and look back 40 years and say, 'Why didn't someone stop him?'"

Meanwhile, with November's mid-term elections almost around the corner, Savage's aim is to warn the public and help them grasp the "only realistic opportunity to stop Obama."

"After 29 books, I don't need another bestseller," he told WND. "What I need is the last chance to change the course of human events. I am praying that the people awaken before the election in November."

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