
Sunny Sweeney’s Powerful Photo of Soldier Praying Goes Viral

Sometimes it's the smallest, most unexpected moments in life that create the biggest impact. Such was the case with a photo snapped by country music star Sunny Sweeney that has touched hearts all over the world.

While in the Las Vegas airport on Oct. 5, Sweeney saw a man approach a soldier to thank him for his service.

"I watched this whole thing go down in an airport and felt like sharing it with you," the "Bad Girl Phase" singer explained, according to US 99.5. "This young military man, Michael (full name was on his backpack) was standing here about to board a plane and a random man walked up and said thank you for your service," she wrote on her Instagram account.

"I started crying, of course, just watching this nice end to a crappy day unfold on my 16-hour cross-country flight," adds Texas native Sweeney. "But Americans never cease to amaze me. Beautiful," reports Taste of Country.

When Sweeney happened upon the special moment, she pulled out her camera to capture the civilian and solider praying together. The photo has since gone viral.

In Sweeney's photo you can see the two men stand in front of a window with their heads bowed for prayer, while the civilian places his hand on the soldier's shoulder.

After she posted the photo, Sweeney, who had a hit with "From A Table Away," said she wished that the post would "find its way to the man pictured here in uniform to show how many people are praying for you and wishing you good thoughts and safe travels," reports christianpost.com.

Amazingly, Michael Barth of Washington found the photo on social media and commented on it. "It was awesome that you took this picture," he writes, according to Taste of Country. "I honestly am a huge country music fan! I didn't realize who you were! I'll always remember you as the really nice lady at the airport."

"Thank you for the picture. I'll never forget it."

In response to Barth's posting, Sweeney wrote, "Well, you made my whole day! I had a really crappy day, and there I was crying in the Las Vegas airport watching two complete strangers in this very special moment. Thank you again!"

"Sweeney was not the only one overcome with tears at the sight of the soldier's prayer," notes christianpost.com. The singer's post was flooded with comments and photos of loved ones, both living and dead, who served the U.S. armed forces. The post quickly racked up more than 500 comments and twice as many "likes" - and the comments and "likes" keep growing in volume.

Later, Sweeney followed up with a video on her Facebook page, revealing just how close to home this moment hit for her. The country singer is married to an active duty police officer and Air Force veteran, reports Taste of Country.

With the Facebook video, she commented, "Just a quick follow up to the moment I posted about the other day. I am so thankful for all the men and women that protect this country and was so moved by what I saw at the airport, I couldn't help but share it with y'all!"

In Sweeney's Facebook clip, she also thanked all the men and women who work to protect civilians. While she was initially reluctant to take the photo as to not invade someone's space, she's glad she did, because now Barth - and the rest of us - can cherish that special moment forever.

Prayer, Soldier, Las Vegas
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