Norwegian Design Company Creates Jacket with Color-Changing Powers

Norwegian design company Drap og Design has created a jacket that lets you blend in with your surroundings like a chameleon.

The jacket, dubbed the Interacket, is the first project to be developed by Drap og Design, and is designed to let wearers mimic the colors of objects around them, according to CNET.

This capability is provided by built-in sensors that can determine the color of objects that the wearer puts his/her hands on. Strips of RGB LED displays on the jacket's sleeves then project the color, activating the jacket's camouflage powers.

The Interacket is able to project colors because it is made of reflective foil and diffusive fabric. It uses one 9V battery to power its sensors, strips and Arduino Uno chips, CNET reported.

While the prototype of the jacket has limited potential to be used in the real world, the Interacket's second prototype is almost done, and may have a greater chance for real-world applications.

Drap og Design is planning to develop more projects that are aimed at giving people a taste of the "powers" possessed by some animals, Laughing Squid reported.

"We chose one single animal and its power to use as a proof of concept and to help talk about our idea," the company said. "But we have planned out most of the other powers we want to recreate and aim to do them soon."

Drap og Design has made the Interacket available on maker site Hackaday for people to look at, CNET reported. Those interested in a jacket with color-changing powers can also take a look at the Interacket on Drap og Design's website.

Norway, Chameleon
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