Woman Looking For ISIS In Mississppi Gets $5K Bond For Burglary Charges

A terrorist-hunting Mississippi woman who was supposedly caught rummaging through cars at her children's school looking for terrorists received a $5,000 bond, The Clarion-Ledger reported on Monday.

Lisa Carol Roche, 41, said she was breaking into cars at East Central High School last week looking for members of the international terrorist group and was allegedly seen taking expensive sunglasses and other items from the vehicles.

Students told a school resource employee that some belongings were missing from their vehicles and authorities were notified. That's when Roche's plan began to unravel and police caught her in the act.

According to school security tapes, Roche dropped her children off at school and proceeded to tour the parking lot, checking door handles to see if the cars were unlocked. Police were already at the scene when she tried to do the same thing last Friday.

Roche reportedly feared ISIS terrorists had infiltrated the U.S. after listening to media reports and wanted to make sure none of them were taking cover in students' cars. Jackson County Sheriff's Department Capt. Curtis Speirs said there haven't been any threats reported through the Joint Terrorism Task Force and urged Roche to report any suspicious activity to authorities instead of trying to be a vigilante.

"Don't try to become a one-woman war against terrorism waged in the parking lot of the local schools," he said, according to the Clarion-Ledger.

Roche was charged with commercial burglary could receive a $10,000 fine and face up to five years in prison if she is convicted, according to Gulf Live.

Her rap sheet includes previous arrests for misdemeanor careless driving, felony embezzlement and felony burglary. She has no police, military or intelligence training.

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