Square Updates Order App to Make Ordering Coffee Easier

Payments start-up Square has updated its Order app to help people avoid waiting in line for coffee in the morning.

With the new version, coffee fans can now pre-order their beverages and pick them up whenever they want to, and payments can be made with debit and credit cards linked to the Square account on the user's phone so they don't have to pay at the register, according to TechCrunch.

The San Francisco-based startup has focused on making Square Order a tool for easy ordering and paying, as it has been telling users when they should pick up their food since its creation.

This idea is present in Square's update, as it comes with a new arrival prediction feature that allows users to pick up their coffee when it is fresh and hot, PC Magazine reported.

"With first-of-its-kind arrival prediction technology, Square Order can tell when you're close and alert the coffee shop to set your order in motion," Square wrote in a blog post on Wednesday.

Coffee sellers must set preparation times for items in order for this feature to work, and the app will be able to recognize when a customer is close by and when employees should start an order, TechCrunch reported.

The app can also recognize users' preferences and make recommendations to save users time spent on making orders with tons of details.

Square said that the only problem customers may experience is a drain on their battery, which can occur if the GPS running in the background is used too much, PC Magazine reported.

The Square Order update is available at Blue Bottle and other coffee shops in New York and San Francisco to make ordering coffee an easier experience. Coffee fans can download the app now at the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

Coffee, App