
Ebola Virus Outbreak 2014: Passenger Gets Escorted Out Of U.S. Airways Flight After Joking, 'I Have Ebola. You're All Screwed' (WATCH)

An Ebola scare on a Dominican Republic-bound U.S. Airways flight prompted a four-member crew in blue plastic hazmat suits to board the plane and escort a passenger off after he reportedly joked of having the deadly disease, ABC News reported. Calls for additional screening at U.S. airports and planes have intensified after a Texas man recently contracted Ebola after returning from Liberia.

After leaving Philadelphia, U.S. Airways Flight 845 was inspected by Dominican officials upon landing in Punta Cana on Wednesday "due to a possible health issue on board," the airline said in a statement.

"We are following the direction of, and strictly adhering to, all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines in place for airlines in response to the Ebola virus," the airline said.

As the plane was about to approach its final destination, a passenger allegedly overheard another passenger sneeze and claim, "I have Ebola. You're all screwed," before yelling out "I've been to Africa," according to the Washington Post, which quoted the Dominican press. A flight attendant was immediately notified, who then alerted the captain.

Moments after the plane landed on the tarmac, a flight attendant told passengers to keep calm as the hazmat team made its way onto the plane, according to a video shot by a passenger and posted on YouTube.

"It's going to look worse than it is," she said over the PA system. "I've done this for 36 years. I think the man that has said this is an idiot, and I'll say that straight out. If you hear me that's fine."

As passengers covered their faces and scooted away in their seats, including some who "booed," the unidentified man could be heard saying, "I was just kidding. I ain't from Africa!" as officials led him out of the plane.

Once he was off, the officials checked the plane and then gave it clearance. "The flight was checked by officials and cleared. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but the safety of our customers and employees is our first priority," read the airline's statement.

The man, who is from North America, was reportedly coughing throughout the flight. After being examined at a medical center, it was confirmed by medical personnel that he did not have a fever, the Washington Post reported.

Ebola, Flight, Joke
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