Suicide Contract Signed by 5-Year-Old Student

Alabama mother, Rebecca, is angry.

Angry because her 5-year-old daughter had to sign a "suicide contract" at school, reported the Huffington Post.

After the child drew a picture that resembled a gun, pointed a crayon at a fellow student and said, "pew, pew," E.R. Dickson Elementary School assessed her depression level and made the student sign a contract that says she will not harm herself or others.

Rebecca says she was waiting in the lobby to pick her daughter up and didn't even know that the contract signing was happening.

The kindergartener's mother told WPMI-TV, Alabama's NBC News affiliate, that her daughter doesn't even know what the word means. "My child interrupted us and said 'What is suicide? Mommy? Daddy? What is suicide,'" Rebecca told the reporter.

Mobile County Superintendent Martha Peek said that the school staff used the "district-wide procedure for when a student indicates they may be considering any actions such as hurting themselves or hurting someone else," according to Huffington Post.

"I think if we had stepped back and looked at the situation and that others could have been involved - if the principal had known about it - we could have probably had some additional guidance," Peek reportedly said.

Schools have been taking a tougher stand on potential violence in the light of multiple school shootings in the U.S.

Alabama law states that contracts signed by anyone under the age of 19 are null and void, according to the newscast by WPMI-TV.

Suicide, Alabama
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