Ebola Virus Outbreak 2014: Zombies? Hoax Makes Rounds Online

A story based on a pictured from Brad Pitt's "World War Z," claiming Ebola victims are coming back from the dead, is completely false. Obviously.

More than half a million people have shared the story and picture on Facebook under the headline "Africa confirms 3rd Ebola victim rises from the dead, releases picture of first 'Ebola zombie' captured," according to News.com.au.

The image on the article is a doctored picture of a zombie is an screen shot from one of the film's lab-zombies and is merged with this picture of a "realistic movie sculpture" from Schell Studios, according to message board commenters.

The picture is the latest in a series of rumours of Ebola victims being seen "resurrecting" after apparently being killed by the virus, The Independent reported.

Several other reports of Ebola victims dying and coming back to life have surfaced, including reports of two separate cases in Liberia's Nimba County, according to The Independent.

Two women identified as Doris Qui of Hope Village Community, and Ma Kebeh, both "resurrected" as they were about to be buried, but the story was published by a questionable site in Liberia, The Independent reported.
