Controversial Wendy Davis Ad Uses Wheelchair To Attack Disabled Texas Gubernatorial Opponent (WATCH)

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis' latest television ad turned the Texas campaign ugly by attacking opponent Attorney General Greg Abbott for working against accident victims attempting to get liabilities while he managed to reap a high-figure amount after an accident paralyzed him 30 years ago, Breitbart reported.

Republican Abbott, who has been a wheelchair-bound paraplegic since 1984, was accused of being a hypocrite, with the Texas state senator going as far as featuring the image of an empty wheelchair as the opening shot of the ad.

At the age of 26, Abbott became paralyzed after an oak tree fell on him while he was out jogging during a storm. Following the accident, Abbott filed a lawsuit against the homeowner and won a $10 million settlement, ABC News reported.

"A tree fell on Greg Abbott," a narrator said in the ad. "He sued and got millions. Since then, he's spent his career working against other victims."

Three cases are then cited where the 56-year-old worked as a state Supreme Court justice or attorney general.

"Abbott argued a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial limb," the narrator said. "He ruled against a rape victim who sued a corporation for failing to do a background check on a sexual predator. He sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon who paralyzed patients. Greg Abbott, he's not for you."

The ad was immediately condemned by the Abbott campaign, who called it a "historic low" and "disgusting," claiming Davis should be disqualified from seeking the governor's office, according to Politico.

"It is challenging to find language strong enough to condemn Sen. Davis' disgusting television ad, which represents a historic low for someone seeking to represent Texans," said Abbott spokeswoman Amelia Chasse. "Sen. Davis' ad shows a disturbing lack of judgment from a desperate politician and completely disqualifies her from seeking higher office in Texas."

Davis, who became a national media sensation after holding a symbolic filibuster in opposition to laws that would require safer abortion clinics, has made one misstep after another during her ill-fated bid to replace Rick Perry, according to Breitbart.

Earlier this month, a Texas Lyceum survey found Abbott leading Davis 49 percent to 40 percent. In another Real Clear Politics poll, Abbott currently enjoys a 42-39 percent lead over Davis.

Last month, the Abbott campaign ran a positive biographical ad, highlighting Abbott's disability and joking that sometimes his wheelchair moves faster than the traffic in Texas.

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