New Hampshire State Rep. Steve Vaillancourt: Rep. Ann Kustler Is 'Ugly As Sin'

New Hampshire State Rep. Steve Vaillancourt is predicting the outcome of the New Hampshire elections on one factor: the candidate's looks.

"Let's be honest. Does anyone not believe that Congressman Annie Kuster is as ugly as sin? And I hope I haven't offended sin," Vaillancourt writes in a blog on NH Insider.

He continues, "If looks really matter and if this race is at all close, give a decided edge to Marilinda Garcia."

The politician decided to speak out on the attractiveness of the New Hampshire Reps. online Friday after hearing a new survey - which he doesn't source - on the radio that "an attractive candidate can have as much as a seven to ten point advantage over a less attractive (or even an unattractive) candidate."

After Vaillancourt's controversial comments that say Garcia is going to win because she "is one of the mot attractive women on the political scene anywhere, not so attractive as to be intimidating, but truly attractive," the politician released a statement in response to the blog post.

"State Rep. Vaillancourt's recent comments about Rep. Ann Kuster are sexist and have absolutely no place in political discourse," Garcia said in a statement. "Both Rep. Kuster and I have experienced this unfortunate reality of being a woman in politics. I hope that as time moves forward and more female candidates run for political office around the country, people will focus on the content of our ideas rather than what we wear and how we look."

Kuster's campaign or the New Hampshire Republican Party did not speak out about the comments at the time of publication.

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