Chromecast iOS App Update Lets You Display Weather Conditions and News Headlines

iPhone and iPad owners will be happy to hear that Google has updated the Chromecast app with a handful of new features.

Among these additions is a new Backdrop feature, which allows users to display their own photos, according to Gizmodo. Users can put these photos up on the screen of their mobile devices when they aren't streaming TV shows and movies.

iOS device owners can set up the new Backdrop by opening up the app and tapping the new Backdrop option in the left-hand menu, which will open up the settings page. After signing in with their Google accounts, users can then tap Yes and Confirm to use the feature.

Other new features that come with the update include the ability to display weather conditions and news headlines on televisions, Yahoo! News reported. App users can pick the content they want on Backdrop as well as the news sources and weather locations they are interested in.

iPhone and iPad owners can buy the Chromecast for $35 or less on Amazon and other retailers to stream their favorite shows on Netflix or watch music videos from their computers on their TVs. Those who already have the digital media player can download the Chromecast app now for free at the App Store.

Google, Chromecast, App