Egg Freezing Offered By Facebook And Apple

Facebook and Apple are among the first major employers to offer egg freezing to their female employees.

Egg freezing is a procedure where a woman can save her eggs, making it easier to conceive a baby later in life.

"Having a high-powered career and children is still a very hard thing to do," Brigitte Adams, an egg-freezing advocate and founder of the patient forum, tells NBC News.

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine warns that egg freezing does not guarantee extended fertility, although they lifted the "experimental" label off the procedure two years ago, reports NBC News.

Facebook recently began offering egg freezing to employers and Apple will start in January, NBC News reports.

Egg freezing costs about $10,000 for one round, plus $500 each year for storage. Two rounds are considered ideal, which would collect 20 eggs total from the patient.

"This is a nice perk but of course it's a very personal decision for every working woman," Kellye Sheehan, of Women in Technology, a Washington-based organisation for women in the industry, told USA Today.

Sometimes, despite the egg freezing, women are still able to get pregnant when they are ready or decide against having kids and never use the frozen eggs, fertility doctos tell NBC News.

Apple, Facebook, Health care
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