Bear Eats Heart Attack Victim

A California man was eaten by a bear after suffering a heart attack in the woods.

Marion Williams, 65, who is known by his friends s Rainbow Mountain Walker, was found in the woods, beyond his trailor, dead and half-eaten, reports Daily Mail.

Williams was supposed to attend a motorcycle race, but never showed up. When a friend went to the trailer to find him, the site was a mess and Williams was missing.

A search party was organized Monday and Williams' body was found in the woods nearby.

Williams' daughter, Liberty, said his body was dragged off by an animal, possibly a bear, reports Daily Mail.

His body was identified by fingerprints. The cause of death was not relesed, but evidence suggests he died before the bear got to him – most likely from a heart attack, says Daily Mail.

Officials are seeking to trap the bear, but it's unlikely they will succeed since three days have passed since the attack.

Willaims' was well-liked and volunteered at several non-profit organizations, including one that supports people with AIDS, reports Locust Outpost.

Black Bear, Trailer, California
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