
Father Shakes Baby, Has Sentence Doubled

A young father who shook and twisted his 6-week-old baby's limbs in July 2011 had his sentencing doubled in court Friday.

The father, who was not named for legal reasons, shook his infant and twisted her limbs on two occasions in July 2011 after suffering stress from financial pressures and the stress of living far away from family, reports Daily Mail.

"[I] lost control of myself and just shook my baby instead," the father reportedly said in court.

The man was sentenced in Dec. 2013 by Judge Martin Blackmore to at least two years in prison, noting that the baby was much noisier and cried more than the man's first child, reports Daily Mail.

The father recently went back to court for an appeal and left with a doubled sentence.

The jury found him guilty of two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent, calling for a minimum of four years with a maximum of seven years in prison.

Justice Peter Garling, who heard the appeal, ruled that the sentencing judge in 2013 had not taken into consideration the objective seriousness of the crime.

The baby survived the assault and reportedly did not suffer any permanent disabilities from the attacks.

The father will be eligible for parole in Sept. 2017.

Father, Family, Crime, Prison, The crown, Justice, Infant
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