ISIS: Supplies Are Airdropped to Kurds by US Aircrafts

The U.S. Central Command, or CENTCOM, has confirmed that "multiple" supply drops were made to Kurdish rebels fighting the Islamic State in Kobani, according to the BBC. The Kurdistan Workers' Party, also known as the PKK, is considered a terrorist organization by both the U.S. and Turkey and has been fighting against Islamic State forces taking over the Syrian-Turkey border town.

The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has lost some of its footing in Kobani thanks to repeated air strikes, but some speculate that the airdropped supplies may anger Turkey, which has been fighting the Kurdish organization for decades. HNGN recently reported that Turkey ended a year-and-a-half long ceasefire with the PKK by bombing the rebels on Oct. 13.

The weapons, food and medical supplies were provided by Iraqi Kurdish officials, according to The Telegraph.

The airdrops were "intended to enable continued resistance against Isil's attempts to overtake Kobane," CENTCOM said, according to the BBC.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that he would not permit the PKK to receive any aid from the U.S, according to the BBC. Turkey has not stepped in to help the Kurds in Syria fight the Islamic State, which Turkey considers the same as PKK, according to BBC.

PKK, Kobani, ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State, Turkey
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