Kim Kardashian, Ebola, Donna Goudreau On What's Funny This Week

Welcome to the pilot installment of "What's Funny This Week!" As an avid social media browser that enjoys a good meme, I'm going to bring you some of my personal favorites from the depths of Facebook and Instagram's cheeky internet humor. Let us know what you think so I can continue to make you LOL IRL every Tuesday.

1. Donna "P.O.P Hold It Down" Goudeau

This video and its subsequent musical remix has been making the social media rounds this month, though its a few years old. Donna Goudea was busted in Kansas after she and two other people broke into a 73-year-old's hotel room, stabbed and robbed him. She was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2011, according to The Source. This, of course, is not what people are laughing over.

In a FOX 4 news clip, Goudea maintained her innocence by saying that she's legally blind, making her unable to drive a getaway car like she was accused of. The humor of the video is what she says and how she says it: "I'm legally blind so how I'mma drive a car?" "that's my story and I'm sticking to it," and, last but certainly not least, a shout out to her mom and crew from the back of a police car: "Momma I love you, P.O.P hold it down." But you should just watch for yourself:

And the musical remix that can't be missed! Seriously, I've watched it more than five times and it still leaves me in stitches:

2. Anything and Everything Ebola

What better way to deal with an outbreak of a deadly, contagious virus than to make it into a joke? There are dozens upon dozens of these memes, especially on Instagram, but this one takes the cake. Most of them follow a certain zombie apocalypse, Walking Dead theme (or in this case, Thriller)

Which brings me to my next subject...

3. Kim K has claimed more lives than Ebola

I don't necessarily think this is the funniest meme ever to grace the internet, but it's been up, down and all around my Facebook news feed for at least the past 24 hours. The concert rips on Kim Kardashian's three marriages: to Damon Thomas, Kris Humphries and most recently, Kanye West. Only one person, Thomas Eric Duncan, has died from Ebola in the U.S, and I assume this meme serves as a PSA for Ebola fear-mongers:

Love it? Hate it? Anything I missed? Feel free to comment!

Kim Kardashian, Ebola
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