Did This Surveillance Video Catch A Hispanic Activist Openly Engaging In Vote Fraud? (WATCH)

A progressive Hispanic activist was witnessed openly engaging in vote fraud by stuffing "hundreds" of ballots into a ballot box for this year's primary election in the largest county in Arizona, according to a Republican party official, whose statements were further supported by a surveillance video.

On Aug. 25, A. J. LaFaro, Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, was working with the elections staff to keep a watch over early ballots processing at a central Maricopa County elections processing facility on the edge of downtown Phoenix when the incident occurred, according to the Arizona Daily Independent.

"The team processing the early ballots through the optical scanning equipment had gotten way ahead of the 'upstream' citizen boards preparing the early ballot batches for processing," LaFaro said, adding that the information systems coordinator hence decided to extend lunch period from 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.

It was between 12:54 and 1:04 p.m. that LaFaro heard a loud thud from where he was "seated at one of the cubicles looking toward the reception area." When he entered the room, he saw a man placing a box containing hundreds of early-voting ballots on a table.

"A person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona T-shirt dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box as I watched in amazement," said the Maricopa County GOP chairman, adding that CBA was known to be a progressive group, according to IJReview.

Following the incident, LaFaro submitted a public information request and obtained this surveillance video from 12:30- 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 25 (audio unavailable, but a play-by-play commentary was provided by LaFaro):

Guy: "What's your problem?"

LaFaro: "I don't have a problem."

Guy: "Stop watching me. You're annoying me."

LaFaro: "One of your ballots isn't sealed."

Guy: "It's none of your business. What's your name?"

LaFaro: "I'm the chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party. What's yours?"

Guy: "Go f*** yourself. I don't have to tell you who I am."

The unidentified man was described by the Republican official as "vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug" with "no respect for our laws." Although LaFaro wanted to follow the man to his car to find out his tag number, he held back "fearing for his life."

In an interview with The Daily Caller, LaFaro described the video as the final result of a process called "ballot harvest" by a progressive operative.

"What is captured on the tape demonstrates the end result of what we believe to be vote fraud," he said. "This is a smoking gun that ballot harvesting actually does happen."

Since the problem is ongoing, election laws should prevent this sort of mass ballot collection, he said.

"I believe it's inconceivable, unacceptable, and should be illegal for groups to collect hundreds, if not thousands, of voters' ballots and return them to the election offices or polling locations. And let's not forget the 'ballot parties' that occur where people gather en masse and give their unvoted ballots to operatives or organizations like Citizens for a Better Arizona so that can not only collect them but vote them illegally."

"America used to be a nation of laws where one person had one vote," LaFaro said, the Daily Independent reported. "I'm sad to say not anymore."

Meanwhile, Citizens for a Better Arizona states on its website that it is an "outgrowth of the grassroots movement that led to the historic recall of former [Republican] President of the Senate Russell Pearce." The group is "committed to improving the quality of life of all Arizonans - better schools, better health care, better jobs, better government and a better, more civil tone of respect and decency."

For now, it remains unclear whether an investigation is being carried out on the incident, according to TheBlaze, who unsuccessfully tried to contact Maricopa County officials.

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