Human Life Span Will Never Exceed 120-Years, Says Expert

A British nerobiologist said that no matter how far medicine advances humans will likely never live longer than 120-years.

Professor Sir Colin Blakemore, 70, spoke at a gerontology conference claiming there "might be a real absolute limit to human lifespan."

During his speech he noted that people rarely live past 120-years and he feels it's unlikely that even with advanced medicine that the number will ever be raised, reports Daily Mail.

Blakemore's claims contradict those made by researchers at Buck Institute of Age Research, Novato, California earlier this year where Dr. Pankaj Kapahi suggested future scientific breakthroughs could allow humans to live to 500-years-old.

Instead, Blakemore believes advanced medicine will improve the quality of life for people as they age, Daily Mail reports.

The Age Watch Index says that in 2014 there are 868 million people over the age of 60 in the world. The data reportedly included 91 percent of the world's population.
