Jeremy DeRoo and his wife Dawn decided to take their daughters out to Bazil for a nice brunch on Sunday. Little did they know their kids would leave the restaurant with the same symptoms as a college student who just returned to their dorm after a huge party.
The couple’s seven-year old daughter tasted her orange juice and told her parents it tasted a bit funny, according to ABC-affiliate WHAM who reported the story. Dawn DeRoo picked up the drink, tasted it herself, and figured it was a different brand. So, she told her daughter it was okay to keep drinking.
The DeRoos didn’t realize what their children were drinking until patrons at another table told the staff the orange juiced tasted strangely similar to Mimosas. It was then the parents figured out there was alcohol in their kids’s drinks.
A waitress said she was sorry and served the children milk. The DeRoos were not pleased at the fact a manager never came out and spoke to them. They even tried notifying the authorities but were told sometimes people make mistakes.
Jeremy wanted the managers to apologize and promise to make sure something like this never happens again.
The parents said their daughters were passed out the rest of the day and woke up Monday with the symptoms of a hangover.
"That's not good enough for parents having kids, drunk and sleeping all day. It's not fair. These little kids shouldn't have any alcohol period,” he said.
Danny Daniele, the owner of Bazil’s said he was in the restaurant during brunch Sunday but was not notified of the incident. He told the DeRoos he would repay them for the meal and also apologized to the family.
The restaurant has also marked its juice containers to differentiate the alcoholic from the non-alcoholic beverages, said Daniele. He also said June 2nd was the first time the restaurant had done a Sunday Brunch so it was possible there was a bit of confusion with the containers. He added that in the more 30 plus years his family has owned the restaurant something like this has never happened.
The DeRoos said they would not sue but want to ensure something like this do not happen again.