President of Russia Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila announced on a state television network that they will be getting a divorce, according to the Associated Press. The two made the announcement after going to a ballet at the Kremlin.
"It was our joint decision," said Putin.
Lyudmila used to be a former flight attendant for Aeroflight. She was usually not spotted with her husband of almost 30 years during his presidency. She also doesn't particularly like being in the air.
"I don't like publicity and flying is difficult for me," she explained.
The two have been married since July 28, 1983. They also have two daughters named Maria and Yekaterina.
"We practically never saw each other. To each his own life," the Russian president said.
"We will eternally be very close people. I'm thankful ... that he supports me," said his wife.
Being in the spotlight is not new for the couple. Putin allegedly wanted to marry a former Olympic gymnast in 2008 but refuted the accusation by saying, "I like all Russian women."
Although it is unknown as to how people will react around the county, divorce is far from a new concept in Russia. According to UNICEF, 700,000 couples ended their marriage in 2009.
Questions were raised about Lyudmila's happiness in the marriage when she spoke to reporters from three newspapers in 2005. She discussed her disagreement with the long hours her husband worked adding that, "one needs not only to work, but also to live."
According to Lyumdila Putin, she brought up her children by taking care of them but not getting too close. Maria and Yekaterina told their mother things in confidence from time to time. However, Lyumdila said it is not right for parents and children to act as friends.