Nude Photo Fun For Everyone With Nudifier App

Disappointed that no one is hacking your phone for your sexy-time photos? Mad that you weren't part of The Fappening? Hoping to break into reality TV?

Now, you can turn photos of yourself, your friends, heck, even your dog, into nudies.

Nüdifier is an app that transforms a photo of a clothed or naked subject into a pixilated TV-like censored picture, according to Gizmodo. You can buy Nüdifier from iTunes for a whopping 99 cents.

How to use:

1. Get a picture of your best friend (or worst enemy).

2. Use the eyedropper tool to select the subject's skin color from another photographed area, like the victim's, er, subject's face or hands.

3. Draw pixels of that color over the subject's bathing suit area.

More fun than a barrel of little nakey monkeys.

Nude, Nude photos, Sex, Smart phone, Apps, The Fappening, Kim Kardashian, Hacked, Naked, Rascal Flatts