Ebola In NYC: Bellevue Hospital Health Workers Stigmatized

Bellevue Hospital health care workers are being stigmatized because they are working at the facility where Dr. Craig Spencer is being treated for Ebola.

Workers from Bellevue Hospital reportedly were denied service from restaurants and had their children treated differently at school.

"That is absolutely unacceptable," NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference. "We are in a crisis. We all have to hang together. And we have to first respect our first responders."

Mayor de Blasio also adds that there will be consequences for anyone who stigmatizes the workers or their children, although he didn't specify what those consequences may be.

Dr. Spencer admitted himself to Bellevue Hospital on Thursday, which was six days after he arrived back in the U.S. from Guinea where he was working with Doctors Without Borders to help gain control of the disease in one of the hardest hit areas of West Africa, reports Daily Mail.

Bill de Blasio, Ebola, Ebola virus, Ebola Outbreak, Bellevue Hospital