Empire Brewing Co. is facing a trademark dispute with Lucasfilm after the name of their signature beer creation strikes too close to the studio's mega movie blockbuster.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Lucasfilm filed the dispute on the brewery’s lager, Strikes Bock. The studio claims the name is too similar to its film’s title “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.”
“Applicant’s EMPIRE STRIKES BOCK mark is virtually identical in sound, appearance, and connotation to Lucasfilm’s THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK mark, differing by only one letter in the respective last words ‘BOCK’ and ‘BACK,’ and the initial word ‘THE,’” the complaint reads.
“Lucasfilm has a long history of using such marks for food and beverages, including wine. The fact that consumers have been exposed to and accustomed to seeing Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS Film Franchise marks in connection with food and beverages, including wine, increases the already existing likelihood of confusion.”
However, Empire Brewing Co. owner David Katlesk told Syracuse.com he will fight the complaint filed against him, but doesn’t want to turn it into a long term court battle.
“We've had this beer for seven years, and we did [apply for a trademark] because we don't want to infringe on any other beers or anyone else's trademarks,” he said.
Katlesk added, "It's kind of a 'big dog against small dog' thing…We've had this beer for seven years, and we did this this (sought a trademark) because we don't want to infringe on any other beers or anyone else's trademarks."