Natural Remedies to Cure Your Bodily Ailments

Lemon Balm

Is your grandma or mother always pushing you to drink tea when you're sick, or trying to prescribe it to you as the best sleep aid of all time?

There's a reason for her suggestion - it works.

Lemon balm (I know, it sounds like an alcoholic beverage) is a lemon-scented type of mint leaf that is commonly used in teas. This ingredient works to keep you calm and helps to alleviate stress or anxiety.

Not only does this herb make you feel better, but it benefits the body in ways we cannot physically see. Lemon balm can boost memory and has been proven to aid patients with severe dementia, according to Prevention.

This natural medicine also has the power to control an overactive thyroid, and just a few teaspoons in your tea can leave you feeling healthy and happy in no time.


"The more colorful, the better," says Michael Havey, a USDA geneticist and professor of horticulture at the University of Wisconsin, who suggested that red or yellow onions offer the most health benefits.

Thiosulfinates (the sulfur compounds responsible for the unpleasant, tear-jerking smell) in onions help to shield the body from developing several illnesses, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in onions, prevents the inflammation associated with allergies and also protects against stomach ulcers and colon, esophageal and breast cancers, according to Prevention.

Onions provide the best nutrients when consumed raw or lightly cooked; heat destroys the thiosulfinates.

It's worth it to have bad breath after eating this vegetable. Now, if only we could bite into it like The Grinch does.

Cayenne Peppers (Chiles)

If you can handle the heat, these peppers can heal your pains.

Have you seen "Orange is the New Black?"

When Piper is given two jalapeños after she has not eaten in several days, she chews them up and spits them into a sock. We were left wondering why she didn't eat them, until we found out that she created a lotion from the spicy, powerful ingredients mixed with her saliva. She gives the concoction to a prison mate who is suffering from back pain, in order to make up for insulting her cooking abilities.

Even though that scenario describes jalapeños, the same came be applied to Chiles.

Capsaicin, the component responsible for the stinging in our throats after eating these peppers, can relieve common muscle aches or pains associated with arthritis.

If your tongue can endure the sizzling, Chiles can be a great weight loss aid (capsaicin compounds target abdominal fat), and can help to regulate blood sugar levels, Prevention reported.


No, I'm not talking about the banana wannabes.

These plantains are oval-leafed plants that are found worldwide, and are the perfect remedy for your "complexion defections."

That's right - this plant can heal breaks in the skin as well as relieve inflamed areas.

Native Americans used plantains as a traditional method to treat insect bites, wounds or burns, according to Prevention.


Ever wonder what those green flecks are doing on top of your chicken or in your pasta?

I always push them away with the tip of my fork, but it turns out that parsley actually has some nutritional value.

Parsley is recommended for urinary tract issues, and can help regulate urine output.

This useless garnish isn't actually so useless. It can also serve as the best breath-freshener, so don't be afraid to chomp down on an onion, like we've already talked about.


Herbalists swear by this plant's green leaves, white and pink flowers and tart berries that have been used as remedies for the heart since the early 20th century. Like lemon balm, any of those can be placed in your morning or evening tea, or hawthorn can be consumed in the form of a capsule.

Ingesting this plant promotes cardiovascular health, and really gets your blood pumping.

Antioxidant compounds in hawthorn relax arterial-wall muscles, increasing blood flow to the heart and preventing or reducing symptoms of coronary artery disease, according to Prevention.

We're quick to rely on the relief that modern medications can provide, but sometimes it's better to listen to your grandmother before swallowing that pill. Most of these treatments are available at your local grocery store.

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