
Mike Tyson Fights 'Virtual' Mike Tyson on 'Tonight Show'...Guess Who Wins?

Mike Tyson is known for a lot of things, some good...many not so good. Most video gamers who grew up in the 1980s immediately relate "Iron Mike" to the Nintendo Entertainment System video game, "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!"

The game was the first home console version in the "Punch-Out!" series, which began in arcades in 1983, and provided players with a fun and challenging boxing simulation that featured lots of colorful (if sometimes racially insensitive) characters.

Tyson himself was one such character, the game's final boss. The battle was notoriously difficult because you only had one chance to succeed before receiving a "game over" and having to start again from the beginning. Ultimately, after rape allegations emerged against Tyson in 1991 his likeness (and name) was dropped from the game altogether and replaced by the generic, but equally cheap, Mr. Dream.

On an episode of "The Tonight Show" earlier this week, host Jimmy Fallon decided to pit Tyson against Tyson and see if even Mike Tyson himself could beat NES Mike Tyson on his first attempt. (Thanks to IGN for the tip.)

Turns out, Tyson is a much better boxer in the real world than he is the virtual world. Check out his weaksauce "effort" below:

Mike Tyson, Jimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, NES, Nintendo
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