Parents at Lakeview Elementary School in Florida were trying to enjoy a nice and friendly school talent show when a brawl broke out between two moms, the Christian Post reports. The video of the embarrassing fight has now gone viral and the two women involved in the fight have been identified as Jessica Tyler and Latisha James.
The video shows a large group of parents standing in front of a stage watching their children perform.
Tyler can be spotted sitting down in the background of the video her attention on the stage. Her view is seemingly blocked by James who was standing in front of her.
Tyler is seen getting up twice and approaching James but it is not clear what she said. The second time she approaches James she appears to take out what looks like a cell phone and walks in front of James and begins taking pictures of the kids performing on stage.
As Tyler walks back to her seat, James follows her. It appears that James is standing over Tyler shouting. Less than a minute later the two women are fighting.
The parents and children are shocked. Immediately some of the parents try to separate the two women and the kids stop performing on stage.
Tyler told WFTV, a local television station, that when she approached James she asked her to sit down and James responded by cursing at her.
"I walked up to the lady, I asked her just to kneel down for a second, just so I could get a picture of my niece," Tyler told the station. "She said, 'No I ain't [expletive] sitting down.'"
According to some of the witnesses Tyler may have pushed past James to take her pictures accidently knocking into her child who was standing next to her. They believed that is what escalated the fight.
Newsmax reports that as Tyler walked past to she bumped into James' three-year-old daughter.
"Once she knocked over my baby, I just snapped," James told "And she did not say I'm sorry."
James did express how sorry she was about the whole incident, the Christian Post reports.
"I am very remorseful for what I've done, but I don't know what else I could have done," James said. "Whatever the police report says, I grabbed her and hit her. I did that. I want all the parents and Lakeview to know that I am really, really sorry and that's not how I behave."
According to Newsmax, James was arrested on suspicion of battery for allegedly trying to choke Tyler. Both women were banned from the school. The website also reports that Tyler was not arrested and "feels like she was the victim and is upset she won't be able to attend her daughter's fifth-grade graduation."