Deadline App Tells You When Your Time Will Come

The new iOS app Deadline is designed to utilize information from Apple's Healthkit app to determine how long users have left to live before they ... expire, all for the sake of motivating people to live healthier. It might actually work...

It's a simple procedure, er, process. Just give the app permission to access a list of biometrics tracked by your iPhone's Health app, answer a few simple questions, such as how much you smoke, drive, stress about things, etc. That's all it takes, and the app will calculate how long your natural life is going to be, based on those statistics (years, months, days, hours, minutes,even seconds), according to Yahoo Tech.

Granted, this is based on whether the user follows his or her current path consistently through life, so nothing is set in stone. Make healthy choices in life, log them into your Health app, and the numbers will surely change to reflect that.

The app is now available on the App Store for $0.99.

App, Iphone, Deadline