'Operation' Creator Seeks Funds for Operation of His Own

John Spinello created the classic, buzzing board game "Operation" almost 50 years ago. Since then, millions have attempted, with a very steady hand, to carefully remove tiny plastic body parts from Cavity Sam without lighting up his light bulb red nose and hearing that insufferable "BUUUUUZZZZZ."

In an odd twist of fate, Spinello now needs an operation himself... one he can't afford, according to a Crowdrise fundraiser launched by his friends.

Hasbro, the current seller of "Operation," is planning to purchase Spinello's original game prototype in hopes that "the funds will help to defray his medical costs," the company said in a statement Friday.

It will be displayed at Hasbro's global headquarters in Pawtucket, R.I., to honor Spinello's contribution to gaming history.

Spinello, 77, told the Huffington Post that he needs $25,000 in oral surgery.

"John has had a good life, but has admitted to us that he is struggling to pay his bills and is in need of a medical procedure without sufficient insurance coverage," professional game inventors Tom Walsh and Peggy Brown wrote on Crowdrise.

"We launched this Crowdrise fundraiser to call on anyone who has ever played and loved Operation to send John a note and maybe, a monetary gift of appreciation."

Fans can also obtain an autographed copy of the classic game in honor of its upcoming 50th anniversary.

Spinello was paid $500 for "Operation," which he sold to a toy invention firm, according to the website ILoveOperation.com. Because of the deal he made, Walsh says, he was not entitled to royalties from the game. "Operation" was originally licensed to Milton Bradley.

At the time of this posting, the fundraiser page was well over $31,000. Check out the Crowdrise video below:

Operation, Hasbro, Crowdrise