Dog Found Starving Nearly To Death In Garbage Can

A dog was starved before its owner put the animal in a garbage can and threw it away in a Pennsylvania trailer park.

"The garbage company called us," Jan Dillon, of the Humane Society, told KDKA. "They were dumping garbage and they noticed one of the bags moved."

A sanitation worker found the dog with protruding ribs and fed her lunch before calling the Humane Society. It's unclear what breed the dog is, but the Humane Society told KDKA the dog, which weighed only 17 pounds when found, was underweight by more than 30 pounds.

The Humane Society believes the dog could have been stranded in the trash can from four to six days.

Although the dog was suffering starvation in such a confined area, there appears to be some good news for the canine's future.

"With some good care, she'll be going home with a vet tech; things will look good for her," Dillon told KDKA.

The dog's owners are Brittney Booker and Nicole Baker according to the dog's microchip.

Neither owner commented yet and Baker allegedly moved to Texas today, reports KDKA.

No charges have been filed.

Dog, Animal cruelty, Humane society
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