California Suspect Who Attacked Man In Fox News Halloween Costume Labeled The Next 'Hot Convict' (PHOTO)

A California man dressed as a Fox News reporter on Halloween was violently assaulted by a man who told him that he "hates Fox News" during the annual Halloween parade in the left-wing haven of Santa Cruz over the weekend, according to Santa Cruz Police. The unidentified victim of the attack was reportedly uninjured.

The suspect, 29-year-old Sean Kory, allegedly shouted "I hate Fox News" after he spotted the Santa Cruz resident during the parade. Then, he grabbed the unidentified correspondent's microphone and placed it down the front of his pants and proceeded to obscenely rub it on his crotch, the San Jose Mercury News reported.

During the confrontation, the victim was also beaten with an aluminum tennis racket before the suspect escaped as officers approached the scene, police said, adding that they were unsure whether the tennis racket was part of Kory's costume, Mediaite reported.

Described as "a dreadlocked Santa Cruz resident," Kory was arrested and taken into county jail on Friday, according to Contra Costa Times. However, Cory's mug shot has unknowingly set off an Internet firestorm with many labeling him as the "next hot convict" after Jeremy Meeks, a 30-year-old Stockton, Calif., man facing a federal trial for possessing a firearm as a convicted felon.

"Sean Kory, when you get out of jail...I'll be waiting boo," wrote one Twitter user. "#jeremymeeks has competition #SeanKory for all those ladies having #feloncrushfridays," wrote another.

"Meeks striking cheekbones and piercing blue eyes bored holes into the hearts of people the world over as modeling agencies scrambled to sign him to contracts and others who swooned offered to raise money for his bail," according to New York Daily News.

Meanwhile, the Santa Cruz assault also mirrors a real event three years ago, when a local Fox reporter in New York was assaulted by a protestor who stole his microphone and threatened to stab him at Occupy Wall Street, according to Breitbart.

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