Indian Father Kills Daughter's Rapist After Inviting Him To Dinner

An Indian father may be charged with murder after the man who allegedly raped his teenage daughter was invited to dinner and tortured to death, the New York Post reported on Monday.

A 45-year-old married man is said to have raped the man's 14-year-old daughter two months prior. When he arrived for dinner, the enraged father allegedly bound the man to a chair, strangled him and burned his nether region with hot tongs.

The father went to the police on his own after the incident, coming forward with the different ways he tortured the older man.

"I burned his genitals once, he screamed. I did it again, he shuddered. When I did it the third time ... he did not move. He was dead ... I did not want to kill him," the father reportedly told police.

The father tortured the man, who was a medical supplier, because he didn't want to soil his daughter's name by going to police with rape allegations.

"Based on his statement, we sent a team to the spot and recovered the body. It has been sent for a post-mortem examination and his family has been informed. A case of murder has been registered and the 36-year-old man was arrested," an officer told the Indian Express.

The man had found the young girl at home alone and allegedly raped her, threatening her with severe consequences if she told anyone about what happened.

Instead of being afraid, police said the girl told her father about what happened right away. The father did not tell anyone in his family or the community about the rape because he thought his daughter would be blamed.

Growing angrier as he saw the older man happy with his family while his daughter suffered in silence, he began planning the murder right away, according to police.

India, Rape
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