Texas Student Dies After Trying "Ecstasy" Drug; Parents to Launch Awareness Campaign

Parents of a Texas student, who died after taking party drug "Ecstasy" last month, are planning on launching an awareness campaign to preach about the dangers of the drug, Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports.

"We are trying to get as much good out of this as we can ... if we can just stop one (person) from making the same choice," said Alan Hunter, father of, 21-year-old Jessica Mary Hunter, USA Today reports.

According to Hunter's friends, she died after her first experiment with the drug, which is also known as "Molly". She took the drug with her friends at the Austin City Limits festival on Oct. 5. She reportedly had a seizure later on the sidewalk.

Before being taken to the hospital, Hunter also went into cardiac arrest and received CPR from paramedics. Her parents were informed, but by the time they arrived she was already in an induced coma and her temperature had touched the 106 degree mark, Newser reports.

Over the next two days, she bled from her nose and mouth. A scan revealed that she had suffered a brain hemorrhage. The aggrieved parents finally decided to take their only child off life support. "Her eyes were open - you could see that there was nothing there," her mother said.

"She made two significant choices in life. Her first choice was accepting Jesus Christ. And her second was to take this drug. The latter killed her," her father said.

According to Keye TV, Hunter's friends released balloons in her memory and urged everyone to never experiment with drugs.

"We want everyone to understand that it only takes one time and... you know, Jessica... she was not a drug abuser. These drug traffickers... these people that sell you these things they don't care. They don't care about you or your family or the people that you leave behind. All they care about is making money," said Maurah Ruiz, Hunter's friend.

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