Dogs, Pets Looking For Adoption Featured In New Tinder-Like App

This new Tinder-like app may just be the cutest one ever.

The new app called AllPaws is an animal adoption app that has a similar design to the Tinder dating app released in 2012. AllPaws allows users to browse pictures of animals in nearby shelters that are looking for a home.

Of course no one should ever adopt a pet on looks alone, but the app is geared to entice users to come into shelter to look at all of the animals who are looking for homes.

AllPaws was only released a week ago and it already has 200,000 pets looking for homes including birds, rabbits, cats and dogs, horses, reptiles, and even pigs.

The app can also be searched by the breed of dog, age, size, vaccinations, and its compatibility with other furry friends.

When users find an animal they like they can contact the shelter through the app to schedule a time to meet the animal. There is also an option in the app to share the listing with friends through social media.

Currently the app is only available for the U.S. and Canada on iOS. App founder Darrell Lerner told Daily Mail they are looking to expand to outside the U.S. and to Android devices in the future, although no date was released.

Tinder, Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Bird, Horse, Reptile, Pig, Animal shelter, Iphone
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