Republicans Cautioned By Sarah Palin: Americans Did Not Vote For The GOP

Looks like Sarah Palin might not be joining jubilant Republicans in their celebration of having swept a clean victory in Tuesday's elections just yet. Instead, the former governor of Alaska chose to issue a warning on Facebook early Wednesday morning, Politico reported.

The voters had cast their ballots against the Obama administration's dysfunction and corruption, not necessarily in support of the Republican party, Palin wrote, adding that the midterm elections had done a great job of sending a message to President Barack Obama that was "undeniably received" but would still be ignored by him.

"Now, new Republican Congressional majority in the House and Senate, please realize that Americans were not necessarily voting FOR any party; they were voting AGAINST the continued dysfunction and corruption in D.C.," the former vice presidential candidate wrote in a post on Facebook.

"We the People were saying 'enough is enough' to the scandals, crony capitalism, and utter lack of leadership in Washington."

Specifically, Palin cautioned Republicans that they should not repeat previous mistakes, further warning them that the party could experience the same treatment that Democrats did on Tuesday.

"The Democrats got mauled today, deservedly so. To prohibit that from happening to the GOP in 2016, it must learn the lesson from the last time Republicans held the Senate majority."

"This time they must not retreat, and it's our responsibility to hold them accountable," she continued.

While Palin congratulated the winners, she also echoed a quote from President Barack Obama that was often used against him in the 2012 campaign, only this time she repeated it as a warning for Republicans, according to The Huffington Post.

"So, establishment types, remember that you didn't build this! This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That's who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the best for America."

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