
Million Mask March: Colorado State Capitol Building Vandalized

The Chicago State Capitol building was vandalized late last night and an officer was assaulted during a worldwide movement promoting the hacktivism group Anonymous.

Called the Million Mask March, the movement is a protest of the corruption in government. The protests occur annually on Nov. 5, which coincides with Guy Fawkes Day.

Guy Fawkes was a conspirator in the 1605 Gunpowder plot to assassinate King James I. Today Fawkes has become an international symbol of political resistance, reports The Inquirer.

"Our goal is to hopefully instate a government that works by the people, for the people," one protester tells The Inquirer, who, like almost all his companions, wore a Guy Fawkes mask and declined to state his name.

Besides the masks these protests usually look like any other one with crowds of people chanting with picket signs, but the protests in Chicago escalated to a much higher intensity last night.

Vandals spray painted graffiti all over the west steps and on some of the walls and windows of the capitol building, reports CBS Denver. The graffiti consisted of profane language and symbols used by Anonymous.

Workers cleaning up the graffiti this morning told CBS Denver they have cleaned graffiti off the capitol building before, but this time was different because the paintings were so hard to erase that they needed to call in a special cleaning crew.

After the incident 10 people were arrested and face charges of destruction of property. One of the people arrested has an additional charge of assaulting an officer. None of their identities were released.

The protests were also staged in Philadelphia, Ferguson, Missouri, and Brussels in Germany.

Graffiti, Protest
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