Michael Brown's Mother May Be Charged With Armed Robbery For Attacking Mother-In-Law's Vendor Stall

Michael Brown's mother has been named as one of the "attackers" who allegedly assaulted and robbed Ferguson vendors for selling t-shirts commemorating the late teenager's death, New York Daily News reported. The case is being investigated by the Ferguson Police Department, who will decide whether to charge her and others involved with felony armed robbery.

Occurring in a Ferguson, Mo., parking lot, 34-year-old Lesley McSpadden is reported to have brought a group of up to 30 people, including her own mother, into a tent that was selling "Justice for Mike Brown" merchandise on October 18, according to The Smoking Gun. The group then allegedly attacked vendors and ransacked the stall.

In what is being classified as an armed robbery, Brown's mother-in-law, 54-year-old Pearlie Gordon was among two other men who were selling the merchandise when "a large group of about 20-30 subjects" unexpectedly "jumped out of vehicles and rushed at them, tearing her booth apart."

Desureia Harris, McSpadden's mother, was also witnessed ripping down t-shirts hanging on a line and saying "You don't know my grandson like that," Gordon told police authorities.

The attack left one person hospitalized while another unidentified victim was reportedly beaten with a pipe. Gordon was also allegedly knocked to the ground and repeatedly struck in the head, according to UK MailOnline.

"You can't sell this s**t," McSpadden allegedly told Gordon, according to the document obtained by the Smoking Gun.

In response, Gordon reiterated that "unless McSpadden could produce documentation stating that she had a patent on her son's name (Gordon) was going to continue to sell her merchandise," according to the report.

The assailants stole more than $1500 in merchandise and $400 in cash, and managed to escape before the police arrived at the crime scene.

The incident was confirmed by a bystander who witnessed the alleged assault while waiting at a red signal and stated that the "unknown subjects" were "punching" the t-shirt vendors.

The news comes as a grand jury is expected to announce whether to bring criminal charges against the Ferguson police officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Brown during a confrontation.

Two day ago, it was announced that Brown's parents have decided to travel halfway across the world to speak at a United Nations conference in Geneva, Switzerland, next week in order to seek justice against Ferguson police and demand the immediate arrest of Officer Darren Wilson, the Associated Press reported.

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