‘Hitler’s Order’ Member Loses Custody Of His Son

A New Jersey man, who says he belongs to the group "Hitler's Order," lost custody over his young son because he claims the state failed to find him a non-Jewish psychologist for his interview.

The man, identified by the fictional name Ian, appealed the decision of the state Division of Child Protection and Permanency to terminate his parental rights for his son Henry (also a fictitious name), according to My Central Jersey. The state had already in June 2012 terminated the rights to his three older children that he fathered with a woman given the name Daisy in court records.

Ian claimed in his appeal to the state's decision that the state made "no effort to find an alternative psychologist" who wasn't Jewish. The state attempted to provide services that addressed the reasons for the child's removal, but the white supremacist refused to comply, according to court papers. The services included anger management, individual counseling, domestic violence counseling and marital counseling.

Ian argued that there was little evidence to show he refused the state services. He also claimed the state failed to tell him he needed to comply with the services in order to retain his parental rights.

The appellate court found his arguments "unpersuasive" and noted he failed to respond to notices sent to his home as well as attend court hearings. Ian claims he couldn't attend those hearings for fear of his life. He does not trust law enforcement to protect him because "law enforcement doesn't care about someone with Swastikas and tattoos."

Ian says he has the backing of "Hitler's Order" and a tattoo that reads "I hate DYFS" (Division of Youth and Family Services, the former name of Division of Child Protection and Permanency). A 2010 appellate ruling upholding the removal of his other children noted Ian was abused as a child and suffers from medical and psychological disabilities. He never received adequate treatment for these disabilities which led to his being illiterate and unemployed as an adult.

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