Anti-Fertility Under The Guise Of A Tetanus Vaccine For Africa? Catholic Bishops Say Even Bill Gates Is In On It

Catholic bishops in Kenya are urging their congregations to refuse the tetanus vaccine, because they claim it is part of a sterilization movement against women and girls of childbearing age.

The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging the World Health Organization and UNICEF with attempting to sterilize Kenya's population by binding HCG, the pregnancy hormone to the tetanus vaccine so that females of child-bearing age will develop "immunity" to pregnancy.

"We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa," Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They tested positive for the HCG antigen. They were all laced with HCG."

Dr. Collins Tabu, head of the Health Ministry's immunization branch, denied any additive to the vaccine, according to LifeSiteNews. The vaccine has been used for 30 years in Kenya and "there are women who were vaccinated in October 2013 and March this year who are expectant. Therefore we deny that the vaccines are laced with contraceptives," Tabu told LifeSiteNews.

Ngare responded: "Either we are lying or the government is lying. But ask yourself, 'What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?' The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country."

Director of Medical Services for the Ministry of Health Nicholas Muraguri told the National Assembly Committee on Health, "We ordered two lab tests and the results came in yesterday showing no traces of HCG in the tetanus vaccines," according to Business Daily Africa.

Muraguri recommends disciplinary actions against Bishop Stephen Karanja of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association for causing the panic and distrust, according to Business Daily Africa.

WHO has a Global Vaccine Action Plan in place "set out to achieve the Decade of Vaccines vision of delivering universal access to immunization by 2020, and beyond."

Women of childbearing age and their children have a high risk of tetanus infections because of surgical equipment used, the umbilical cord on the baby and other factors. A tetanus vaccine is common for mother and child after delivery in the United States.

"To prevent maternal and neonatal tetanus, appropriate doses of tetanus toxoid need to be given to the mother before or during pregnancy, and clean delivery and cord care practices need to be ensured," according to WHO.

WHO's goal is to reduce child mortality by 2015, according to their website.

Bill Gates, according to The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association: Fellowship of the Minds, is the leader of the sterilization conspiracy.

"One of the funding outlets of his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are vaccines for poor people in the Third World," the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association asserts. "But a Freudian slip that Gates made in a speech at the 2010 TED conference belies the philanthropic purpose of those vaccines."

The supporting evidence for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association was a TED Talk that Gates gave in February of 2010 discussing the environment and how to lower carbon emissions.

"The world today has 6.8 billion people," Gates said in the video. "That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a REALLY great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health service, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent."

Earlier in the talk, right up to the point of the above quote, Gates was discussing the percentage of carbon emitted. His formula CO2 = P[eople] + S[ervices per person] + E[nergy per service] + C[O2 per unit energy] is an algebraic way to try and reduce carbon emissions to as close to zero as possible, as he explains in the video.

So far, no statement neither confirming nor denying the accusations has been released by WHO or UNICEF, and the possibility that these accusations may be true are swirling around the internet.

Vaccines, Sterilization, Kenya, WHO, UNICEF, Bill Gates, Conspiracy, Conspiracy therory, Neonatal, Umbilical cord, Catholic church, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation