Actor Toby Kebbell ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes") just disclosed what the new backstory/origin is for Doctor Doom in the "Fantastic Four" reboot. It's not good...any way you slice it. Spoilers beyond this point.

Speaking with Collider, Kebbell, who will be playing the Latverian despot, revealed:

"I'm excited to see it too, and my nerves really...The only thing I can tease you about is what I worked on most was the voice because nobody-even in the cartoons, when I was watching them I was like, 'So where's he from?'  There's a mild change and I'll tell you because of our history. He's Victor Domashev, not Victor Von Doom in our story. And I'm sure I'll be sent to jail for telling you that. The Doom in ours-I'm a programmer. Very anti-social programmer. And on blogging sites I'm "Doom".

So, one of the most egomaniacal (and not to mention baddest asses) in the Marvel Universe is now a maladjusted programmer/blogger who needs medication for his social issues? Uh-huh. I don't think there's a "Xanax Gal" on the Fantastic Four's roster last time I checked. Will he be even be wearing armor? Will he even be from Latveria? How many armored bloggers/hackers do you see? And that name, "Domashev," appears to be my guess is NO on both counts.

Kebbell went on to say about this this new, gritty, and realistic reboot:

"Yeah, it was cool man. Josh [Trank, the director], the whole deal, the lo-fi way he did it, the ultra-real. It was just nice to do that. It was nice to be feeling like we had to come to terms with what was given by this incident."

I think I may have to invent a whole new level of "bad" to classify this reboot properly. It has been proven, time and time again, that these super-hero films work best when you stay as close as possible to the source material. Millions and millions of people like it the way it is, so why *&%^$#* change it??

This film is going to fail spectacularly. Mark my words on that.