Today we are celebrating veterans across the country for their service in honor of Veteran's Day, although many of those same veterans who fought for our country are struggling to find jobs in the country they fought for. 

WalletHub researched 100 of the most populated cities across the U.S. and found the best and worst cities for veterans to live in - based on the percentage of military-skill related jobs available, unemployment rates, wage growth, percentage of veterans living below the poverty line, how many are homeless, population of veterans in the area, economic wellness and environment, education and health opportunities made available to them.

The overall best city for veterans is Lincoln, Neb., which also scored highly in economic wellness and in the environment, education and health areas. 

Reviewing the medical assistance received by veterans around the country an essential piece of the survey because it's one of the biggest issues veterans are facing today, according to Aniela K. Szymanski, Visiting Professor of Practice and Staff Attorney at Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic, William & Mary Law School, who was an expert in the study.

"The issue I see veterans struggling with very often is obtaining adequate and proper psychological services," explains Szymanski. "Even though VA has increased resourcing in this area, many veterans are merely being prescribed medications instead of getting the counseling and coping mechanisms that they really need to address their conditions."

Honolulu, HI was found by WalletHub to offer the best environment, education and health to veterans in the country. (Honolulu ranked as number 22 overall)

Below is a list of the best and worst cities for veterans according to WalletHub:

Top 5 Best Cities:
1. Lincoln, Nev.
2. Gilbert, Ariz.
3. Irvine, Calif.
4. Madison, Wis.
5. Boise, ID

Top 5 Worst Cities:
1. Newark, N.J.
2. Chicago, Ill.
3. Memphis, Tenn.
4. San Bernardino, Calif.
5. Miami, Fla.