Latino Review has an exclusive story that Sony is planning a film centered on Peter Parker's Aunt May...without any involvement from Spider-Man. Yes, you read that correctly.

The reason Sony is doing this is because if they don't continue to make use of the "Spider-Man" film license, then they will have to return the property to Marvel. The main issue that Sony faces here is that after the train-wreck that was "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," the company really doesn't know how to move forward in a positive direction with the license/property. There were rumors of a "Sinister Six" film that had promise, but that was until "Amazing Spider-Man 2" botched the lead into a film of that nature. Apparently, their last-ditch effort to hold onto the license is to tell an origin story about Aunt May as a teenager and her surprise/unplanned pregnancy with Peter Parker and secrecy that she is his mother.

Sounds wild, right? The story is actually based on a Mark Millar authored mini-series called "Trouble" that was planned to be Peter's new origin story...which contains the details above, but is also plays out in a cloak-and-dagger-like setting. Either way, this story was flatly rejected by readers, so why bother with a film adaptation? There is only one reason: Sony desperately wants to hold onto the "Spider-Man" license.

The only Aunt May story I want to see turned into a feature film is this one. Otherwise, this is a horrible idea that needs to go away. Now.