A Colorado man was freed by rescue crews after allegedly being stuck between two walls of stone at a department store for at least two days, Fox News reported.

Firefighters spent almost a half hour on Tuesday getting Paul Felyk, 35, out of an empty space between the interior and the exterior walls of a Marshalls department store. Felyk crawled out as the wall was opened and was taken to a hospital for treatment. He had no injuries to the lower half of his body, but remained in the hospital on Tuesday.

Marshalls employees heard a man yelling for help on Monday, but didn't know where the sounds were coming from. By Tuesday, they traced the yells to a hole in the store's back wall.

Felyk got into the jam after entering the store through the roof and falling 20 feet. Ivestigators are still trying to determine how long he had been stuck behind the wall.

Felyk was able to scribble notes and pass them through the wall into the store to try to alert workers that he was stuck. Nov. 8 was the date of one of the notes, indicating that he may have been in the wall since Saturday.

"We've had burglary suspects that have gotten trapped, but never anything like this," Longmont Police Department Sgt. Matt Cage said, AOL News reported.

The man may be charged with criminal trespassing. He has had prior crime convictions for trespassing, robbery, assault, driving while ability impaired, criminal mischief and theft. It's also possible that Felyk's entrapment led to internet, phone and heating system disturbances in other nearby businesses.