Marshawn Lynch is a pretty strange cat.

He doesn't talk to the media much - if at all, he's known for purchasing and wearing grills, his nickname is "Beast Mode," because that's the mind frame enters during the game, and he loves him some Skittles (And why not? I mean come on - they're pretty great).

Whether or not that strangeness has aided in the development of a particularly strained relationship with the Seattle Seahawks coaching staff is entirely debatable, but the matrix of that failing bond notwithstanding, Mike Freeman of Bleacher Report says that issues between Lynch and coaches may lead to his eventual departure from the team.

The Seahawks will likely part ways with Marshawn Lynch after this season for a variety of reasons. One of the main ones is Lynch doesn't get along with the coaching staff (Seattle denial in three, two, one...).

Lynch was reportedly extremely unhappy with the handling of the Percy Harvin situation, according to Manish Mehta of The New York Daily News. Lynch almost didn't get on the bus with the team as they prepared to travel to their next game against St. Louis.

During his time in the league, the 28-year-old Lynch has earned every letter of his nickname, "Beast Mode," with the rugged, contact-inviting way he runs the ball. Teams across the league see it and many, no doubt, salivate at the thought of adding Lynch to their roster.

At times this week, especially late in the game, the Giants looked scared to tackle him. I mean, outright scared. Lynch rushed for four touchdowns and became only the third player in franchise history to rush for four scores, according to the league.

His irate response to Harvin's trade coupled with his already odd personality may have begun to wear on the Seattle coaching staff. No matter teams will line up out the door to sign Lynch should he make it to the open market, says Freeman.