It's as easy as stealing an iPhone from a baby.

A pickpocketing couple from Queens, New York, who have been targeting distracted moms shopping with strollers were finally caught on a surveillance camera allegedly stealing a mother's new iPhone 6 right out of her 6-year-old baby's hands. 

The couple seemingly had a fault-proof scheme. 

Rosa Jerez, 37, distracts the mothers in the store by striking up conversation, while Luis Chango, 45, snatches whatever belongings of hers are going unsupervised, New York Post reported. 

"A successful pickpocket only needs seconds to accomplish his or her goal of parting you with your valuables," Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said in a statement. 

Chango and Jerez are the suspects in six theft cases involving mothers with strollers across Queens from August to November, NY Post reported. 

"With the holiday season fast approaching and retail outlets becoming crowded, shoppers should be especially mindful of pickpockets and purse snatchers," Brown said in a statement. "Shoppers should never leave bags or valuables unattended or hanging from strollers and they should always be aware of their surroundings."

Chango and Jerez were charged with eight criminal complaints together, and Chango alone was charged with an additional six. Chango faces up to 38 years in prison if convicted; Jerez would face 23.

Roger Asmar, the couple's attorney, is denying the allegations saying in the case of the iPhone the video caught him picking up the dropped phone, but was unable to find the owner to return the device, reported NY Post.