Go ahead and file this one away under, "Stuff That's Not Important Now But When It Happened Would Have Been Huge News."

Koy and Ty Detmer, football throwin', neck beard havin' brothers who both spent time in and around the National Football League in the late 90's and early 00's, have a pretty funny story about something that happened before the 1997 when they were both, for a short time, members of the Philadelphia Eagles.

Ty, in a radio interview with Cheap Shots, transcribed by Off The Record, details how the team asked his younger brother and fellow quarterback, Koy, to fake an injury so that he could spend his rookie season on Injured Reserve - which is, ya know, generally frowned upon behavior in NFL circles.

[Koy] came up to me like a couple days before that day and was like 'hey, they want me to go on injured reserve so they can keep me around, what do you think?,' Detmer said. "And I'm like, 'well, if they're going to keep you around, you know I wouldn't not do it.' So that day before practice he comes up and he's like 'okay, today's the day they told me.'

Koy would, later that day during the team portion of practice, fake a knee injury after a running play, a performance which included rolling around on the ground in apparent pain and clutching at his supposedly injured leg.

So, practice ends and I go into the training room you know, and there he is laying on the training room table with a towel over his face and I just kind of raised the corner up and peeked and he's got this big old grin on his face. You know like 'how was that for my acting job?' I had to get out of there because I was about to just die laughing. And the rest of the team, you can't say anything because nobody is supposed to know.

Koy had torn the ACL in his knee during his time at the University of Colorado which may have aided in the plausibility of the act.

Considering the team asked him to go on IR, some people in the organization had to know, right?

Well I'm sure [offensive coordinator, Jon] Gruden does because he totally knew it was time to take the dive."

Here's to hoping Gruden gets asked about this story during next week's Monday Night game.