TLC's new series "Virgin Coaches" is exactly what it sounds like: a reality show dedicated to helping newlyweds lose their flowers in the most pleasurable way possible, Gawker reported on Friday.

The network debuted the series on Tuesday, following relationship gurus Bill and Janean Fuller as they try to ease devout virgins into the world of sexuality.

The couple, based in Colorado Springs, Colo., focus on strict Christian spouses-to-be that are waiting until their marriage night to have sex.

"We kind of rip them out of their comfort zone," Bill told People. "Just the idea of talking about it can be horrifying to a lot of people."

The Fullers are likely experts on prolonged celibacy, too. They went 20 years without doing the deed to raise their children starting in 2004, but both had been married before. Christian-based spiritual work for the mind, body and sexuality is their expertise, the couple says.

"A lot of virgins think they can go from 0 miles per hour to 100 miles per hour right after the wedding and that's not realistic at all," Janean said.